Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Lone Star Dispatch, Issue 4

Front page:
"A new policy for transfers takes effect"
summary- The new transfer policy makes it harder for kids to come into Bowie. This includes the priority transfers, sibling and tracking transfers. This new policy is put into place to prevent overcrowding in a school.
who- all AISD students/transfers
what- transfers
when- 2016-2017
where- all AISD schools
why- to prevent overcrowding in schools
how- putting kids on a waiting list
who was quoted- Michaela Gero and Jessica Torrez
strongest quote- "If we had not gotten the transfer, we are zoned to Akins, so if this new policy takes effect, my brothers junior year might be at Akins."
lead sentence- Yes the lead sentence wanted me to keep reading
conclusion- the conclusion was a statement
photography- there was no picture taken for this story

Student life:
"Red Cross Club presidents raise awareness about medical and health issues to make a difference"
summary- The Red Cross Club not only helps make a difference with Bowie, but all around Austin and the world. They are raising money for donations in Africa and helping our hospitals throughout Austin. Their main goal is to make a difference around the world and to get kids to notice how you can help out.
who- Red Cross Club members
what- making a difference throughout the world
when- Tuesday mornings
where- Bowie, Room C103
why- to help people who are sick and people who need it
how- raising money for hospitals and for kids in Africa
who was quoted- Caleb Newton, Madison Winn and Erin Kowalik
strongest quote- "It's impossible to comprehend all the hardships that people in this world have to go through, but for those of us privileged enough to not have to worry about it on a regular basis should do our best to ensure that everyone can live carefree."
lead sentence- yes it wanted me to keep reading
conclusion- the conclusion was a quote

"Celebrating history with the multi-cultural club"
summary- This month is Black history month. Kids explain how their black history has effected their life, from music to traditions to food.
who- students and staff
what- history
when- the entire month of February
where- all around the US
why- to recognize African Americans who made the US better
how- marches and announcements
who was quoted- Joyce Brisco, Lyndall Johnson, Corie Hall and Ariana Edwards
strongest quote- "During black history month my family and I take the time to bond and get closer."
lead sentence- the leading sentence kind of wanted me to keep reading
conclusion- conclusion was a statement

"Ray is an All-American nominee"
summary- Kianna Ray has been nominated for the Ronald McDonals All American Athlete. Her teammates talk about what a good team player she is on the team. Kianna talks about her basketball life and her nomination.
who- Kianna Ray
what- nomination for the All American Athlete
when- January 6
where- Bowie
why- she didn't stop working for her goal
how- practicing basketball
who was quoted- Kianna Ray, Alyssa Kuykendall and Foradory
strongest quote- "No matter how much pressure is put on her, she remains humble and kind. She will do whatever it takes to accomplish her ambitions and goals, all the while staying true to herself."
lead sentence- yes I wanted to keep reading
conclusion- it was a quote

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