Friday, May 13, 2016

Car Raid

1. Who will your do your car raid with (who is your subject)?

I think that I will either ask my friend Hannah about her car because she would be the easiest to get in contact with.
2. When will you do this car raid?

Probably sometime between this weekend to next weekend.
3. Write 4-5 questions you can use to start this interview?

Why did you buy this make of the car?
What was the purpose of getting this car?
How much money do you pay in gas per month for your car? How many miles to the gallon does your car take?
How much do you pay in insurance? Do you think it will go up or down the older you get? What ages do you think have the highest pay of insurance?
4. What kind of details should your expect to write down to help advance the story line?

I expect to write little details like the model, make and year.  The miles per gallon, how many miles does the car have on it, what little scratches are there on the car.

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