Sunday, November 8, 2015

Africa and Abandon Amusement Parks

1.I thought that what Nick Brandt is really an amazing thing. His pictures are beautiful and each tells a great story and they really do make me want to help the animals in the photographs.
3. I really like it because it just shows the affection that the lions have for one another.  A lot of people would say other animals down have feelings, but I truly believe they do, so this photo expresses it.
4. Its simplicity I think because it just has one subject in the photo, it shows the love between the two animals.
5. He uses a Pentax 67II with only two fixed lenses.
6.Brandt take his photos to show the world these amazing animals before they go extinction and to show that animals are deserve to live just as much as humans do.

"My images are unashamedly idyllic and romantic, a kind of enchanted Africa. They're my elegy to a world that is steadily, tragically vanishing."- Nick Brandt 

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