Monday, December 7, 2015

Portrait and Self Portrait (Absent)

3 Tips
- Experiment with lighting; another element of randomness that you can introduce to your portraits is the way you light them. there are almost unlimited possibilities when it comes to using lights in portraits.
- Take a series of shots; switch your camera into 'burst' or 'continuous shooting' mode and fire off more than one shot at a time.
-introduce movement; making your subject move, by keeping your subject but having an element in the scene around them move, by moving your camera(or its lens to achieve a zoom burst)

Environmental Portrait:

I really like the black and white of the photo and personally the focus on the man and the machine in honestly a lovely balance.

I really like this photo because it was able to catch the little partials of fiber from the yarn, the lighting is nice and brightens the colors.

Photography Self Portrait:

I really enjoy this photo because her eyes and the bee are rather nice bright colors while everything else is dull.

I like this photo because, out of all the black and white self portraits hers stood out and I think it might be her facial expression.

Casual Portrait:

I love the lighting in this image and I personally think the lighting makes the subject pop out more.

I like this photo because it shows that is a casual photo, it shows that it is casual and nothing more.

For portraits I plan to take pictures of my friend, or even coworkers. I would shoot at work or where ever my friends and I decided to hang out, I enjoy letting the moment happen. I will focus more on making the image more clear and not blurry. I will use the sun as an advantage and rules of third.

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