Monday, December 14, 2015

American Solider (Absent)

A. I think that image #28 is the most powerful because it tells you that he returned to his 
girl -friend and his family and the image gives a hint of that emotion that they can feel just from the image. 

B. Set 1 - at home  - Image #1 to Image #4 

Set 2 - basic training - Image #5 to Image #15
Set 3 - in Iraq - Image #16 to Image #27
In Image #28 he is back at home in Denver 

C. I think that set 2, basic training, was the most powerful because it was the part of the army that taught him everything he knew, and that is what helped him do well in the action of Iraq.

D.The images work well together to tell a story because they show many different times in his life and it showed how Ian changed and developed during each different time and place. 

E.It was written in mostly paste tense.

F. The captions enhance the images because they make the story behind each image show a little more by having just a little insight to what was happening at that time. 

G. Ian Fisher wanted to become an American Soldier in Iraq. He spent many weeks in training for the trip to Iraq. Then he finally gets to go where he wanted and he comes back from it a changed man. The war had mad him think and look in different ways, he is also damaged so that he has to take drugs to make him feel better. When he gets home he has wishes to become a husband and a father. 

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