Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Welcome back

I like this because its two different animals, one riding the other and I just think its pretty funny.

I like this one because its space, and I honestly think its beautiful to see our world outside of what we see daily.

I like this photo because it just has a nice flow to it, I personally like the colors too it just calming to me.

2015 in a Nutshell
Best Song
I picked uptown funk as the best song of 2015 because honestly it was one that was always stuck in my head.  I think it was the best song of 2015 because it just had a catch melody and could easily get stuck in peoples head.  It sort of had a disco feel to it which may have appealed to the older generation as well. 

Best Movie
Star Wars Part VII The Force Awakens is personally the best movie I saw this year, along side with Jurassic World.  Star Wars, even though in my opinion seemed a little similar to episode 3 and 4, broke box office records and movie theaters around the world sold out of the tickets.  Its a Star Wars movie, of course its going to be one of the best movies of the year.

Biggest News
Same Sex Equality in the US, was one of the biggest news of 2015.  The supreme court ruled it a constitutional right which both made people happy and upset.  This also lead to big news later when a clerk in Kentucky refused to give marriage licence to same sex couples and was later arrested.

Important Person
An important person of 2015 was Caitlyn Jenner.  She was important because she was a former male olympian who had 'felt' like a women all her life. This summer she came out as Caitlyn and since then has been a big part of the LGBT community and has been big in the news.

Biggest Scandal
One of the Biggest Celebrity Scandals of 2015 was with Tom Brady and the Patriots deflating the footballs for the Super Bowl.  This was big news because football is a very important sport to Americans none the less the fans of the teams who are playing at the Super Bowl.  Tom Brady was not allowed to play 4 games at the beginning of the Patriots season.

My Holiday Vacation
 1. Tell me what is the one thing that happened on your holiday that you will remember? It can be a trip, a family visit, a present, something fun.
I think the thing I will remember the most about my holidays was going to see the new Star Wars movie and wanting there to be another one.

2. What are your resolutions for the 2016 year?
My moms resolution for the family is to limit to 1 soda for 5 days a week and to go out to eat less then 4 days a week.

3. What are you looking forward to in 2016?

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