Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Portfolio Analysis

a.     Travis Haughton
b.     Boy with hearing disorder, sports, children
c.      head dominating frame, out of context, signs
d.     a lot not staged, good reactions
e.     Haughton was very good at capturing unique moments, but wasn’t as good with the details.

a.     Nick Adams
b.     Everyday moments
c.      Out of focus in order to focus on something else, redundant kids, boring topic
d.     Unique person, unique framing
e.     Very impressive moments, had trouble with some framing
a.     Josh Birnbaum
b.     Sports, random reactions
c.      Out of context, redundant children, good story, bad picture
d.     Tight focus in action, good reactions on subjects
e.     Very impressive moments captured, sometimes stories are out of context

2. a. good composition,  good sense of motion, good angle, diversity in reactions
b. Snipes was very good at capturing and perfecting moments, especially when people were reacting to events. Sometimes, there was a little too much sense of motion.

3. The judges begin to debate with each other on which ones have to go, playing a form of Russian Roulette, but for photos. They look for diversity and continuing of good photos.

1.     I agree with the judges in Part 1 with the picture of the boxer, Kelley, is being hit in the face. It would be a much better picture if it were tighter so that you couldn’t see the awkward referee in the background.

2.     I didn’t agree with the judges on the black and white basketball picture in Part 5. They seemed to like it more because of the reactions and actions, but the odd cropping and angle didn’t appeal to me.

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