Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Sensory Overload

1. The last sentence of the story says

"I believe that more and more, we are defining our environments not as the spaces themselves, in terms of the buildings or architecture, but rather by the objects and devices that we buy and surround ourselves with. ... I would like that message to carry through universally," Seymour said.

What do you think about this statement?
I think that it is talking about that we have changed the word environment to mean something different then what the actual definition means.
Do you agree or disagree?
I agree because I keep hearing, teachers and parents especially, using the word as what it isn't.  Although people still use environment to as the spaces around them they tend to also put objects in the environment.  
As an aspiring photographer how does this make you feel about your photography?
I'm not sure how to describe how I feel, but I understand what he means and it makes me wonder if I do this is my work.  I tend to like to take pictures of objects along with nature itself but I did not think about the term being reversed.
2. When you looked through the images, did you want to visit this place and take your camera?
Yes, I am really appealed by all the colors along with all the toys and stuffed animals.  Bright colors and things like toys really make me happy.
3. What do you think it would be like to be the child of someone who worked at this place?
I think this maybe a dream come true to some children.  I think that children also see colors more brightly than older people and so seeing such bright colors and interesting objects would make the child extremely happy.
4. Describe your favorite photo to me.
My favorite photo is the one where there are many bears on the wall, a majority of those bears are white and holding something that has either red or purple on it.  Under one shelf of the bears there is a wide rage of colors and what seems to be sea creatures.  Mario and Luigi are also in this photo in the bottom left corner together.  

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