Friday, September 25, 2015

Academic Shoot Preview

 The Story
It tells a story of kindness.  It tells the story of feeding people that are in need of the food.  Students being kind and taking time out of their lives to help those who are in need.  It shows a story of happiness, smiles are clearly visible, it sets a gentle setting.
Action and Emotion
This photo shows the best action and emotion.  The action of the lab is what made the emotion perfection.  The excitement and awe from the lab from the water jumping into the air just makes the photo fantastic.

Filling the Frame
It fills the frame with beauty.  The cloud and the illumination of the cloud makes it beautiful.  It fills the frame with its amazing work.  Using your imagination you can image the illumination of the cloud as a galaxy, the sparks being stars.  

Part 2 of Assignment
My favorite photo is "Drop the Bass" that won a honorable mention on page 22.  I picked the photo because I truly love the project were you use a speaker to make a liquid into a solid.  I've always wanted to preform that project myself.  Simplicity is shown in the image because the main focus is the liquid paint jumping and its the first thing to catch your eyes when you look at the photo.

1. Good class rooms to go visit would be fine arts that don't involve action such as art or animation would be good rooms, along with science classes or even classes like nutrition or child development.
2.  I would like to take pictures in my aquatic science class room (Ms Merino), my animation class (Mr Nourse), English (Mr Dennis), or even some of my teachers from past years like child development or in spanish classes.  
3.  Get a photo that isn't posed, get down to level view and get a student or teacher that is working hard.  I will also keep in mind the rules of photography like simplicity, rule of thirds, lines, etc. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

Section 1 of Assignment

Manipulation in photography is used to sort of tell a lie.  Be it used for the better or the worse, none of the altered photos are true.  Many photographers have lost their jobs for their manipulation in their photographs.

I'm not sure which side I lean more towards in the manipulation of photos.  Most of the time I would have to say some of the edits are unethical.  I feel like what they edited is just sort of silly.  Images like with the missiles, or the one where they edited the women out.  They really had no purpose to add or even subtract items from a photo.  In some situations it may be a good idea to edit the photos, but not all edits are good ones.  

Section 2 of Assignment

I personally think that the image above is unethical.  The photographer made it seem that the soldier was yelling at the man carrying his child.  I think this is unethical because it make the soldier look bad.  In the two images that were formed to create this one it seems like the situation was different then what this photo is telling. 

This image isn't so bad.  It isn't bad because they're only attempting to show diversity at their school, they should have attempted to get another photo that showed more students of different ethnicity, but you cannot recapture the same image twice, so I can see why they edited the photo.  In reality there is nothing unethical about it either.  They wanted to show that their school was diverse. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Great Black and White Photographers; Part 2

Imogen Cunningham was a female black and white photographer.  She was born on April 12, 1883 at Portland, Oregon.  In 1901, at the age of 18, Imogen bought her first camera from American School of Art in Scranton, Pennsylvania, but lost interest and sold the camera to one of her friends.  It wasn't until she was studying at the University of Washington in 1906, that she decided to take up photography again.  She began to study the chemistry behind photography and in 1907 she graduated with a degree in chemistry with her thesis,"Modern Processes of Photography."  In 1909 Cunningham moved to Germany because she won a fellowship for foreign studies.  Her time in Germany was more focused on her studies then photography, and in May of 1910 she finished her paper "About the Direct Development of Platinum Paper for Brown Tones".  When Cunningham moved to Seattle, she opened a studio and won acclaim for portraiture and pictorial work.  In 1914 her work was shown at An International Exhibition of Pictorial Photography.  Cunningham continued to do many wonderful pieces and work, joining many organizations until her passing on June 23, 1976 at the age of 93.  She passed at San Francisco, California.  She published a book called Exposed to Light: A Biography of Imogen Cunningham.  Some of her well known pieces of photography were Magnolia BlossomFalse HelleboreSnake in Bucket.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Post Shoot Reflection

1. What challenges did you encounter while trying to get the photos of your first 4 prompts (Square, Metal, Happy, Bowie)
The challenges of taking my photos were attempting to take the photos in a dress.  I also also a bit tired would may have effected me not to focus more on the rules. 

2. What technical aspects of photography or the assignment in general (focus, framing, holding the camera, etc.) did you find yourself thinking about the most? Provide a specific example of what you did to do this correctly.

I tend to always think about framing, i think framing because most of the framing pictures I've taken look really good so I always question what can I use to frame my main focus.

3. If you could do the assignment again, what would you do differently now that you know some basic rules of photography?
I would look for my ways to use the rule of thirds and to avoid mergers.

4. What things would you do the same?

I would continue to take the photos from different points of view.

6. Are you interested in shooting those same prompts again, why?

Yes I would like to shoot the prompts again because I would have more time to focus on different things and focus more on the skills.
Hello Timmy, I really like your Happy photo, the gestures is used a lot of represent happiness, I've seen the potion in a lot of beach pictures. I like the lines in your Metal photo, I like the angle you captured the lines. I think for you Bowie picture you could have gotten it at a different angle to give it a more creative feel and also mess around with the lighting and shade. Great pictures!

Prompt Shoot 1

In my Happy photo I made the Spooky Nerds (c) the main focus on the photo.  I took the photo from a higher angle.  This can show an example of lines as well because it is visible to see the edging of the box against the other candies.  

In my Bowie photo I used the Rule of Thirds. This image also uses the rule of Simplicity because the main focus of the image is the bulldog, its Bowie. 

In my square photo I attempted to use the framing technique with the sun between the balloon. The main focus is still the balloon but the framing of the sun gives it a sun flare.  This can show the rule of lines as well because the balloon uses black and white lines sort of 'pointing' to the sun.   
In my Metal photo I used the technique of Balance by using the colors.  I used the black and silver as a key to set a balance of colors.  This is also a rule of Avoiding Mergers because it is obvious that the pin sticks out based on the different textures.  It doesn't blend in and the shadow of the pin assists in slowing the the pin is popping up. 
In this photo the only rule I am able to see is Lines which would be the flagpole, the silver color makes it pop out from the background and it is in a tilted angle.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Avoiding Mergers

This is Avoiding Mergers because of how the man is turned, you are able to see him in a third dimension, he and the background also do not blend together.


This is framing because the wreckage of the building makes a frame for the firefighter.


This is Balance because of the parallel between the fire fighter and president George W. Bush, the way their faces look towards each other.


This is lines because of the build.  It is split in a way that the building pieces create lines, along with the building itself being lines.

The Rule of Thirds

This is rule of thirds because of the angle the twin towers are at.  Someone is taking the photo from the ground.


This is simplicity because the twin towers are the main subject of this photo.

Friday, September 4, 2015

The Camera: History and Information

"The Camera"
1. Explain the “camera obscura” effect. How is it achieved?
Inside a dark room, a tiny hole is created in one wall. Through the hole light is focused, and the outside scene is projected upside down on the opposite wall.  
2. What invention during the 17th Century helped man get a step closer to creating the modern camera?
When Newton and Huygens perfected optics and the process of making high quality glass lenses.
3. What were the parts of the first modern camera invented by Niepce?

A glass lens, a dark box, and film. 
4.What do modern digital cameras have in common with Niepce’s camera?

Light passes through the lens, into the camera, and exposes the film.
5. What do digital cameras use to capture an image?

The digital camera capture the images with an electronic sensor called a CCD.

"Camera Modes"

6. What is the difference between the Auto Mode and the Program mode?
Auto: The camera will completely control flash and exposure.

Program: The camera automatic-assist, just point and shoot. Sometimes you have control of flash. 

7. What is the Portrait mode used for? How does it work?
To attempt to blur out the background, camera will try to use the fastest available lens setting (aperture).
8. What is the Sports mode used for? (not just sports) How does it work?

To freeze motion, camera will use the highest shutter speed possible.

"The Half Press"

9.  Why should you do a half press on the trigger button?
Tell the camera that you're almost ready to take a shot and to be prepared. The camera will also Auto-Focus.

"Controlling Flash"

10. What does this symbol mean?
 When would you use this?

This means that Flash is off, this should be used when you may not want flash at all. The mood of the photograph can sometimes be more dramatic when the natural light is used.

11.What does this symbol mean?
When would you use this?

Auto-flash is enabled by default and will automatically fire if the camera thinks it needs more light.

"Introduction to Exposure"

12. What happens to your photo if there is too much light?
The picture will be washed out. 
13. What happens to your photo if there is not enough light?

The picture will be too dark.

"The Universal Stop"

14. What is a “stop.”
A relative change in the brightness of light.
15. How many stops brighter is the new planet if there are two suns instead of one?

Only 1 stop.
16. How many stops brighter is the new planet if there are four suns instead of two?

Only 2 stops.

"Shutters and Apertures"

17. What affect does a longer shutter speed of have?
The longer the shutter speed is the more light there is.
18. What affect does a shorter shutter speed have?

The shorter the shutter speed is the less light there is.
19. What does the aperture control?

The amount of light reaching the film or image sensor.
20. When adjusting the aperture, how can you increase the amount of light?

The larger the aperture opening the more light that goes in.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Masters of Photography-Great Black and White Photographers

Imogen Cunningham-

Ansel Adams- 

Jerry Uelsmann- 

First Day Photos

Photo of a Classmate.

Photo of a Living Thing
This is a photo of a living thing that I was able to capture.
This was a bit of a hard shot because, A I'm scared of bees,
and B they would not stop moving.  I really wish I could've
gotten a closer shot, but I was more afraid of being stung.
I really like the detail of the flowers and I really wish I
could've gotten a closure shot.

Photo of My Choice
Photo of Something That Will Remind Me of Bowie
I chose these bells because they have always been here
since I started my freshman year here at Bowie.  They were
really just cute and I love that I was able to catch them 'swaying'
in the wind.  If I could I would edit this photo to bring out its
dull colors more.