Wednesday, September 2, 2015

First Day Photos

Photo of a Classmate.

Photo of a Living Thing
This is a photo of a living thing that I was able to capture.
This was a bit of a hard shot because, A I'm scared of bees,
and B they would not stop moving.  I really wish I could've
gotten a closer shot, but I was more afraid of being stung.
I really like the detail of the flowers and I really wish I
could've gotten a closure shot.

Photo of My Choice
Photo of Something That Will Remind Me of Bowie
I chose these bells because they have always been here
since I started my freshman year here at Bowie.  They were
really just cute and I love that I was able to catch them 'swaying'
in the wind.  If I could I would edit this photo to bring out its
dull colors more.

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