Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

Section 1 of Assignment

Manipulation in photography is used to sort of tell a lie.  Be it used for the better or the worse, none of the altered photos are true.  Many photographers have lost their jobs for their manipulation in their photographs.

I'm not sure which side I lean more towards in the manipulation of photos.  Most of the time I would have to say some of the edits are unethical.  I feel like what they edited is just sort of silly.  Images like with the missiles, or the one where they edited the women out.  They really had no purpose to add or even subtract items from a photo.  In some situations it may be a good idea to edit the photos, but not all edits are good ones.  

Section 2 of Assignment

I personally think that the image above is unethical.  The photographer made it seem that the soldier was yelling at the man carrying his child.  I think this is unethical because it make the soldier look bad.  In the two images that were formed to create this one it seems like the situation was different then what this photo is telling. 

This image isn't so bad.  It isn't bad because they're only attempting to show diversity at their school, they should have attempted to get another photo that showed more students of different ethnicity, but you cannot recapture the same image twice, so I can see why they edited the photo.  In reality there is nothing unethical about it either.  They wanted to show that their school was diverse. 

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