Friday, May 13, 2016

Merger Photo

Car Raid

1. Who will your do your car raid with (who is your subject)?

I think that I will either ask my friend Hannah about her car because she would be the easiest to get in contact with.
2. When will you do this car raid?

Probably sometime between this weekend to next weekend.
3. Write 4-5 questions you can use to start this interview?

Why did you buy this make of the car?
What was the purpose of getting this car?
How much money do you pay in gas per month for your car? How many miles to the gallon does your car take?
How much do you pay in insurance? Do you think it will go up or down the older you get? What ages do you think have the highest pay of insurance?
4. What kind of details should your expect to write down to help advance the story line?

I expect to write little details like the model, make and year.  The miles per gallon, how many miles does the car have on it, what little scratches are there on the car.

Monday, May 9, 2016

HDR Photos

Merger Photo

  1. I could end up off the photo if I went too far, and also my face might be in harsh sunlight/shade for some of the shots. I also need to watch out for the camera shifting and messing up alignment.
  2. A good place would be the front entrance or somewhere in the baseball field
  3. In each photo I would make different pose and change the depth of my location. Each pose will somehow interact with each other.
  4. By wearing a symmetrical outfit, like a plain shirt, so that I look very similar from every angle. This will make the photo cleaner and won't display different colors in my clothing.

Warm Up

1. My favorite photo is a fisherman casting his line into a beautiful lake with the mountains behind him and the ripples of him being in the water really enhances it. 
2. It doesn't seem like all of these images could have been taken with a phone because they are such good quality, with nice lighting and enhancing the colors in an image.
3. I think the apps that some of the photographers impact the photo by stopping the movement in a scene to capture the perfect photo with out any blur and better resolution.
4. Tapping on the phone to get the camera to focus on a certain subject can blur out some of the background to make the main subject stand out more. Also by tapping on different objects can adjust the lighting and make the overall lighting of the photo look more professional. 

Friday, April 29, 2016

Final Exam Planning warm-up

1. When will you shoot this assignment?
Either next weekend during prom or a weekend showing how to make a layered rainbow cake.
2. Where will you shoot?
Either at prom or at my home in the kitchen
3. What will you be documenting or telling your "story" about?
I will be documenting the experience a senior has a prom during prom and after prom or how to make a cake that is rainbow layered from start to end.
4. What equipment needs will you have to get this finished?
Camera, After Effects, Computer and time.
5. Make sure to describe the process, by this I mean, where will you use the video portion, where will you use still images, where will your narration be, etc?
For prom I plan on taking a small ten second video as we are walking into prom and the last ten seconds would be the final dance at prom, while the cake would be me telling you what things you will need.  I plan for the cake to voice over how to measure your serves and portions while prom I will narrate the event.  I will take pictures of everything that I have done.

HDR Photography Intro

1. By setting the camera in AEB mode, changing the exposer, maybe the angle/height of the tripod.
2. I'll need a tripod, a HDR blending program, and a camera.
3. Someone may take these kinds of pictures to have fun with the effects and have a cool picture.
4. When merging the photos, something new will come out of it. Some of the objects or colors may extend the photo, or it may add a whole new dimension or look on it too.

Monday, April 25, 2016


Websites:  and

 1. Using iMovie is an easy task once you know how the simple basics. To use iMovie, you would need a video camera, the tape or film of that video camera, a cable to connect the camera to the computer, and a Macintosh computer. Once all these things are available, you can open iMovie by clicking on the icon on your dashboard or wherever iMovie is stored on the computer. A window should come up and you should be able to select "Create a New Project" and name it. It's important to choose the correct video format as well. 

  There are three main parts on the iMovie layout - the view screen, the clips pit (it was actually very hard to hear what she was saying but it sounded like she was saying "clips pit") and the timeline. On the view screen, you can view your move and play it. In the clips pit, all your clips are stored.
  The purpose of the timeline is so that you can place and arrange the clips you have in order to create a movie. It's good to note that there are two modes on the timeline - the Clips mode and the Time mode.  The Clips mode shows only the clip, and it's recommended to use this mode whenever you're rearranging the order of your clips. The other mode, the Time mode, displays the length of the clip depending on the size of the clip. Basically, you can view the duration that a single clip will play and pinpoint when it'll transition to the next clip. 
In order to capture videos on iMovie, you can choose one of two modes; Edit mode (represented by scissors) and Capture mode (represented by a camera). When you're transferring film from a video camera, you'd switch to Capture mode and then turn on the camera, which you'll then set to Playback mode. Once that's done, you can go back to the right spot and press play and then import to capture the film. 
  Editing is one of the most simple steps on iMovie. You can rearrange clips and add them to the timeline by clicking them, dragging them to the right spot, and then dropping them. You can "trim" a clip by selecting Time mode and then pulling on the edges of the clip to make it shorter or bring it back to its original length. Additionally, you can split clips into small pieces by dragging the playhead where you want to split it and then selecting "Split Clip at Playhead" under the Edit menu. In addition to that, you can copy and paste to duplicate a clip and highlight it and hit delete to erase a clip. Knowing how to edit an iMovie will give you access to a greater range of options to make your video better, such as Titles and Effects. Whenever you have inserted a Title or an Effect, you can preview how it will look in the final product, and then hit update once you're satisfied with how it turned out.

2. I already knew how to edit an iMovie a bit from messing around on the program a while back. It's pretty simple and easy to remember once you know how to do it, as well as creating a new project and all that. 

3. I didn't really know that there were different modes that you could select, so that was something new for me to understand.

4. I'm not so concerned with editing the clips, but I'm worried about not getting the right number of clips or the right amount of time. Or even getting too many clips and not being able to choose a selected few. Most of all, the biggest thing I'm concerned about the project is choosing a good topic for it.

5. Once I brainstorm an idea that I would like to do for my project, I can get that done during the weekend of that week. After that, editing will be a breeze and I can probably plan out how I would like to rearrange my movie beforehand.

6. I actually really like the idea of doing an art project. Either I can do it myself and capture the process, or I can get one of my friends to do one. The idea of capturing the process of a painting is something I would enjoy, and I know people who would be glad to do it. I might record prom.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Opinion Story

It is but a common problem that all employees must face in the world of food service.  Those who lag for minutes on end, staring blankly at a menu that does not change, while other customers behind said lag person becomes impatient and angry with the employee, who is not at fault.  

This proposal is for the kind hearted, working class citizens that are troubled with this constant struggle, and for the simple minded people that may have been stuck with said person that spends hours on end deciding what to order from a menu.

As this is now my third year working under the food industry, this has always been a continuous problem, not only to me but to the people of this world.  A few bad eggs always make citizens want to rip the hair out of their roots.  

The term “fast food” was meant to be carried as food that should be delivered in a short manner of time.  Now this could be easily done, if you weren’t stuck behind a mindless blockhead.  This cost us to waste our time in a fast pace environment, and no one has time to be stuck behind such a clod.

Now people may think,”Oh I know a person like that, but I am never that person,” and I couldn’t agree more, which is why I am creating a proposal in order to create a sort of united in our society.  My proposal is one created with a little help from my very educated friend, it is one that I think no one will disagree with, but hope that I am not liable for my opinion.  

This proposal is that we invent a collar for those who are taking far too long in making a choice.  I think that everyone can agree on a set time limit on how long it should take a person to decide what they would like to eat, in order to make ‘fast food’ truly fast.

 In this collar you are able to set a permanent time limit that will pressure people into decided what they would like to eat, if they surpass this time limit the collar will submit a powerful voltage of electricity to the person's neck. Not only will this come for adult, but also those children who always change their minds about five or six times.  

This will truly make our already fast paced society, faster than ever before.  We will be able to instantly order, come in knowing what we want and leave with your food in less than 5 minutes.  What a wonderful world that would be if you ask me.  

This shock to the neck will make people more efficient and honestly will make your children have a one mindset on life, and we all can agree with consistency is better than originality.

This is truly the only way we could possibly solve the problem of the human lag.  It is far too inefficient to read the menu ahead of time before you’re next and ready to order.  

Honestly that just takes up too much brainpower and common sense, all that is needed for much more efficient things rather than to assure you have more time to do better things in your lifetime.  

Asking for help from a different employee is also too challenging and wastes your energy to grab aside another person, who just so happens to be cleaning the lobby.  That employee would have no knowledge whatsoever to help customers, that's why they are cleaning tables, right?  

I profess, in the sincerity of my heart, that for me there is no benefit because I am already a very skilled person in ordering food and have no need to rush other people, for I am in my youth and have a plenty of time to spend.  This is only for those who are truly wanting to make the most out of their lives.

Opinion Writing Part 2

1. You want to use something that you care strongly for, know what you felt and feel, and something that the readers can understand where you're coming from.
2. Details keep the readers in, but generalizations keep them away from reading more/keep them out.
3. Don't start each sentence with the same word, keep the "rhythm" different and interesting.
    Try to make connections so the reader is more interested in reading the story
    Use the hook to your advantage to get the readers to want to read more
    Think of your story/essay as a camera lens

1. Victoria Bui wrote this story.
2. It's about not texting and driving, keeping your eyes on the road and not your phone screen.
3. Victoria does not support people texting and driving, she believes that no one would want to lose someone they love just because the person wanted to use their phone when they were driving. "If they knew that the person they’re texting was driving, they would not want to have that guilt that it was their fault that they got in a crash and people got hurt or even killed them. That feeling would end up always be flowing in their minds and feeling like its their fault like “Why did I even text them?” "
4. She didn't really say how the other side may feel, but she did say that people always think that they can multi-task when they really can't.
5. Victoria cleverly backs up one of her statements, about the driver blaming their parents for wondering where they are, with, "That's when pulling over or having one of your passengers respond becomes an option." This gives any wishy-washy thoughts no chance to change the story.
6. There are no direct quotes, but theres is a "quote" of what someone may think if they kill someone else by texting and driving.
7. They wrote in 2nd/3rd person.

1. Hana Ali wrote this story.
2. This story is about the stubble Syrian refugees are having to survive and that they still are humans.
3. Hana doesn't really have too much of an opinion in her story, she's trying to let people know that they're (the refugees) are still human and that they deserve a chance as much as we do. "Many wonder why refugees can’t return to their homeland. Well, just like many of us would be, they are fearful of terroristic threats. In reality however, they are experiencing terrorism first-hand. "
4. She did counter her own statement with addressing that some people fear that they are terrorists, but she easily parried back by saying that the U.S. can interview them, go over medical conditions, and security screenings.
5. The story is a bit wishy-washy but doesn't fall apart, Hana back up each statement cleverly.
6. There aren't any quotes.
7. She wrote in 3rd and 2nd person.

1. Kiara Nieto.
2. This story is about how students express themselves at school and why it's important.
3. Kiara herself doesn't really have an opinion on it, except for saying, "Expressing who you are and what you like is a big part of our lives and it’s good to know when other people appreciate the same things you do, such as art, music, and thoughts "
4. She just kept along with how students express themselves, nothing else.
5. There's no way Kiara could've backed up her opinion about expressing ones self, so it can be wishy-washy, like if someone brought up self-esteem then there is really no way for her to say "well, you can..." or something. And just because it can make someone feel good, doesn't always mean they would like to.
6. There are quotes in this story.
7. she wrote in mostly 3rd person.

Friday, April 15, 2016

SOTM Peer Review

Paragraphs -  50 pts
5 quotes - 25 pts
Inverted pyramid - 25 pts
TOTAL = 100

Opinions writing preview activity

Story 1: Beyonce causes controversy
1. Fuaad Ajaz
2. Beyonce's song, Formation, and the controversy it caused
3. He doesn't think it is right that people choose to criticize an artist expressing their opinion
4. He did mention what the other side thought, which was that they were offended by it, but he kind of brushed over why they thought that way.
5. No, he was very firm in his opinion that Beyonce was doing the right thing.
6. Yes
7. Third Person

Story 2: Is the AP world history test worth it?
1. Mia Barbosa
2. The AP world history test, and how it can benefit the student to take it in high school
3. "I think that the test is a great way for students to get ahead in the competitive race for college."
4. Yes
5. No, she did a good job of backing up her reasons of why it was worth it, and even when she brought up the other sides opinion, she still provided reasoning as to why it wasn't enough to not take the test.
6. No
7. First Person

Story 3: Social media, back at it again
1. Alicia Molina
2. It is about Damn Daniel's story of how he got famous and what is happening now as a result
3. Alicia thinks the reaction to Damn Daniel's videos got annoying, but still appreciates how they are putting their fame to good use.
"I thought the video was funny but after awhile it starting to get annoying."
"We need more people like Daniela and Josh who use their fame for good."
4. Yes, she did acknowledge that everybody found them funny
5. No, she shared her thoughts in a way that made it clear she was annoyed.
6. She quoted a tweet from Daniel.
7. First Person

Story 4: Drug dog investigations have students feeling as though their rights are being violated at school
1. Granger Coats
2. The police providing disciplinary action for students
3. "An institution intended to enrich and better the lives of students should never detract from that role when punishing students, especially with the use of police as school disciplinarians."
4. Yes, he addressed the fact that students need to kept safe.
5. No, he never went back on his opinion, and maintained the same opinion start to finish.
6. He quoted from the school handbook, but not from people.
7. First Person

Story 5: Apple refuses to violate privacy of users
1. Editorial
2. Apple and the FBI, who are trying to get them to unlock phones
3. "Although the phone could yield valuable information, we believe that the FBI is asking Apple for too much at the risk of all other iPhone owners."
4. Yes
5. No, the writer explains their reasoning on why Apple shouldn't unlock the phones throughly and sticks by it
6. There was indirect quotation of a federal judge.
7. Third Person

A. The major differences include the fact that in a hard news story, opinions aren't allowed, but in opinion pieces, the writer has to have an opinion and they have to stand by it and back it up. Opinion pieces also contain less quotations, if any, whereas hard news stories are required to have quotations as proof of what occurred. Another difference is that I noticed is that opinion pieces didn't really follow the inverted pyramid format, and their second paragraphs were more hooks for the story rather than providing additional information.

B. I think that there were a lack of pictures because pictures represent a captured moment in time. An opinion's writer can sway the way the reader sees an event or picture by the way they explain things, and this can discredit photographs.

1. Should PE Credit be required? For how many years? (Yes, for all four years unless parents sign off for them to opt out because they are already exercising.)
2. Should AISD take away late start or extend the school day? (Late start- 10 hrs diff instead of 40)
alt: Should AISD continue to measure in minutes rather than school days
3. Should Bowie only have one schedule for the school day

Monday, April 11, 2016

Two Story Rewrite

Huntington Story
At around 10:00 PM, 53-year-old Janice Jones was shot in leg inside her motor home and transported to a hospital in Barstow, California.

Her dog had knocked off a 9mm handgun that had been on the table previously, and the impact discharged the gun straight into her leg.

"It could have been worse. The bullet hit two inches from the gas tank," California Highway Patrol press liaison Tammy Rye says.

The gunshot passed through Jones' leg and through the other side of the vehicle. 

"Jones was treated at the hospital," confirmed Jim Washington, a spokesperson for Huntington Beach Hospital.

Jones' dog, Tombo, was taken to the Huntington Beach Animal Control officers, where the dog was seen to be malnourished and had fresh cigarette burns on its forehead. 

My office will explore filing animal abuse charges against Jones,” said Janet Ngo, one of the animal control officers.

It was also noticed that Jones had expired license plates and no permit for the handgun she was shot with; the county’s district attorney’s office is considering whether or not to charge her for the gun incident. 

"Jones doesn’t have a permit for the gun," Rye said.

Jones now faces charges of illegal gun possession, expired license plates and possibly animal abuse as well. 

“The dog could have done with a little less abuse and a few more of those pork chops,” Ngo said.

Ngo indicated that her office would explore filing animal abuse charges against Jones.

Earthquake Story
An earthquake shook the San Francisco Bay area at 8:12 AM, shaking residents like Mike Beamer, a building housing McHenry’s Auto Supply at 2342 Plum St. partially collapsed, killing two people and injuring six others

"Names of the dead are being withheld pending notifications of families," said Jennifer Vu, a public information officer from the Hayward Fire Department.

The earthquake collapsed a store called McHenry’s Auto Supply at 2342 Plum St. Residents felt a rolling motion for about 30 second, where a sharp jolt came in the middle of it, Hayward firefighters used ropes to stabilize the auto supply shop, conducting a search of the building and capped a gas line after detecting a gas leak at the site.

"I was eating my breakfast when the room started rolling. I dove under the table just as I heard an explosion outside and a chunk of cement flew through my kitchen window. That’s when the screaming start across the street,” Hayward resident Mike Beamer said.

The earthquake had a scale of 6.4 on the Richter scale, which is a very large number for an earthquake. 

"The earthquake was located on the Hayward Fault line, which runs under the hills. It was a strong one," said Penny Gertz, a scientist from the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park.

21 fire personnel, 12 police and 5 American Red Cross workers came to the building collapse quickly. 

"Some arrived within four minutes of the quake," Vu said.

Nobody else in the Hayward area was injured from the earthquake, other than the people at the McHenry's store. 

Three of the six people injured were hurt seriously enough to require hospitalization and were transported to Hayward General Hospital, according to Vu.

"People as far south as Los Angeles and as far north as Redding felt the quake", Gertz said.

Gertz called the quake a “strong one” and said it occurred on the Hayward Fault, which runs under the hills.

New Value

UT community packs vigil for slain student

This article is driven by timeliness because the event of the vigil happened just last night (April 7), so it is a very new story. The facts of the story were gathered quickly and made into a story that is interesting and that happened very recently.
The wind could be heard rustling in the trees around the more than 1,000 people who had packed the grassy clearing in the University of Texas’ East Mall, in the heart of the campus.

Lake Travis, at 25-1-0, rides defense to playoffs

This article is driven by proximity because the school it is referring to is very close to Austin school  district and this is an Austin newspaper. The location of the article is in Austin, and this makes the article interesting to the viewers because the viewers will most likely be from Austin as well.
As Spring Westfield’s soccer players swept down the field during an area-round playoff match a week ago, Lake Travis goalkeeper Chris Daves shifted his eyes intently from player to player as he sized up the possible angles of attack.

Radicalization of a Belgium Student Turned Bomb Maker Was Invisible

This article is driven by prominence because it is a very newsworthy topic and something that should be apparent to the public. It is further discussing the attacks in other countries and this is very important information because everyone is curious and should be aware of it.

Belgian Police Release New Video of Brussels Airport Suspect

This article is driven by impact because it has an effect on all audiences because the Brussels attack affected many countries around the world. The article is about a suspect for the attack and this is interesting to all who were involved and those who were not involved because it was an worldwide disaster and everyone was upset.

ISIS Abducts Workers From Cement Factory in Syria

This article is driven by conflict because it is discussing the very serious and real problem of ISIS and one of many of the problems they are causing in Syria. The article talks about the people kidnapping at least 170 workers and this is an example of two opposing forces colliding.

Human Interest
Risk of Collapse at Jesus' Tomb Unites Rival Christians

This article is driven by human interest because it involves the drama of opposing sides of Christianity coming together to avoid the collapse of an important structure. The story causes interest in the viewers because of the religious drama and emotional struggle.

Cambodia to Bring Wild Tigers From Abroad in Fight Against Extinction

This article is driven by novelty because it is not a human issue, but it sparks interest in people because it is an unusual and interesting story. The story of people planning to fight the extinction of the tigers in Cambodia does not directly pertain to people around the world, but enough people care about to issue to read the article and learn more about it.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Student of the Month Story

Who: Jaye Richards
What: Won the Student of the Month for April
Where: James Bowie High School
When: April of 2016
Why: For being an outstanding student at bowie high school
Good grades and excelling in core classes

Freshman Jaye Richards was recently announced Student of the Month at Bowie High School by the Bowie administration for being an outstanding student and excelling in her classes.

"It feels amazing! It is an honor," Freshman Jaye Richards said after being questioned about her feelings towards being Student of the Month.

A small group of Jaye's friends were the first to know about Jayes achievement early in the morning when Jaye had gotten the news.

"I mean sure, we are proud of Jaye, but we don't really know how to react.  I guess all I can really say is congratulations Jaye," Freshman Nicole Smith said.

Jaye had considered helping other students in needs, by doing small tutoring groups.

"English is my strongest subject, so I think that be a good subject for me to tutor.  I would like to help people excel in English as well," Jaye said.

Jaye's mother was brought into questioning as well when Jaye had reported that she wished to thank her mother for motivating her.

"There was lots of yelling and crying that night, it wasn't that we were sad, we were extremely excited for Jaye and her achievement," Jaye's mother Monica Richards said.

Jaye had mentioned that her strongest subject was English and many people were able to back her up on her word.

"Jaye is the top student in all my classes! She has the highest grades and nearly scores hundreds on all her exams," English Teacher Rebecca Black said.

Jaye mentions that she is excels in World Geography as well, but may not consider tutoring that subject because English is her better subject. 

"Both English and World Geography are the subject I excel at, but it shouldn't be hard to excel in World Geography," said Jaye

Jaye was asked if she thought that skipping would effect her grades, we also had wondered if she had ever skipped before that wasn't an excused absent.

"I have never skipped, but if I were to skip it would be for a good reason so I would think that it is a positive affect," said Jaye.

The next Student of the Month will be announced in May.

Student of the Month Answers

1.     How do you feel being awarded student of the month?
"It feels amazing! It is an honor."

2.     What do you think got you this achievement and will you strive to continue being student of the month?
"I think it was the good grades, I would like to be student of the month again, but it is least likely to happen."

3.     What motivated you to be a hardworking student?
"Nothing motivates me better than the thought of the future and college!"

4.     Are there any people you'd like to thank for your achievement?
"I'd like to thank my mother for pushing me through thick and thin, even when I was sick."

5.     What subjects do you excel in?
"Both English and World Geography are the subject I excel at, but it shouldn't be hard to excel in World Geography."

6.     How do you feel being interviewed?
"Awkward, I feel really extremely awkward."

7.     What impact will you have on other students in your grade?
"I hope to be a good influence and I hope that I can motivate others to want to get good grades."

8.     What are your goals for the current school year?
"I wish to excel in orchestra, I want to read more along with get even better grades than the ones I have now." 

9.     Where do you see yourself in the future?
"I see myself in college after high school, not sure which one yet, but I really have no interest in a college in Texas."

10.   How often do you involve yourself in work outside of school? (Ex: Helping homeless)
"I actually don't do any outside activities."

11.   What kind of study habits do you have? 
"I use the study habit of procrastination, I think it works well since I am student of the month!"

12.   How often do you spend time with your friends and how does this affect your choices in schoolwork?
"I spend my weekend with all my friends, I usually stall my homework for Sunday night or Monday morning."

13.   If you skip, how often do you do this? Do you think this benefits you? If you don't skip, do you think that this can affect your grades in a positive way or negative way? Why?
"I have never skipped, but if I were to skip it would be for a good reason so I would think that it is a positive affect."

14.   Have you put in thought of tutoring other students? If so, which subject would you consider tutoring? Is this your strongest subject?
"English is my strongest subject so I think that would be a good subject for me to tutor.  I would like to help people excel English as well."

15.   How often do you do activities with your family? Do you think this helps with your work at school?
"I always do activities with my family, but I don't really think it helps me because I have been doing it for the longest time."

16.   Are you proud of your accomplishment, and will you continue to thrive to be a role model to the younger generation? 
"I am really proud, but I don't think that the younger generation would care about the student of the month until they are in the same place."

17.   Do you think that this achievement will help you when it comes time to applying to colleges? Why, or why not?
"Yes because any positive achievement looks really good to college."

18.   What where the reactions that you got when you told your family that you had gotten Student of the Month?
"There was a lot of yelling, good yelling that is, and a lot of crying because I was one out of the thousand students that was chosen for this."

19.   What where the reactions of your friends?
"They really did not care either way."

20.   How much free time do you get, if any?

 "A lot of free time that should be focused on other things other than free time."