Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Student of the Month Answers

1.     How do you feel being awarded student of the month?
"It feels amazing! It is an honor."

2.     What do you think got you this achievement and will you strive to continue being student of the month?
"I think it was the good grades, I would like to be student of the month again, but it is least likely to happen."

3.     What motivated you to be a hardworking student?
"Nothing motivates me better than the thought of the future and college!"

4.     Are there any people you'd like to thank for your achievement?
"I'd like to thank my mother for pushing me through thick and thin, even when I was sick."

5.     What subjects do you excel in?
"Both English and World Geography are the subject I excel at, but it shouldn't be hard to excel in World Geography."

6.     How do you feel being interviewed?
"Awkward, I feel really extremely awkward."

7.     What impact will you have on other students in your grade?
"I hope to be a good influence and I hope that I can motivate others to want to get good grades."

8.     What are your goals for the current school year?
"I wish to excel in orchestra, I want to read more along with get even better grades than the ones I have now." 

9.     Where do you see yourself in the future?
"I see myself in college after high school, not sure which one yet, but I really have no interest in a college in Texas."

10.   How often do you involve yourself in work outside of school? (Ex: Helping homeless)
"I actually don't do any outside activities."

11.   What kind of study habits do you have? 
"I use the study habit of procrastination, I think it works well since I am student of the month!"

12.   How often do you spend time with your friends and how does this affect your choices in schoolwork?
"I spend my weekend with all my friends, I usually stall my homework for Sunday night or Monday morning."

13.   If you skip, how often do you do this? Do you think this benefits you? If you don't skip, do you think that this can affect your grades in a positive way or negative way? Why?
"I have never skipped, but if I were to skip it would be for a good reason so I would think that it is a positive affect."

14.   Have you put in thought of tutoring other students? If so, which subject would you consider tutoring? Is this your strongest subject?
"English is my strongest subject so I think that would be a good subject for me to tutor.  I would like to help people excel English as well."

15.   How often do you do activities with your family? Do you think this helps with your work at school?
"I always do activities with my family, but I don't really think it helps me because I have been doing it for the longest time."

16.   Are you proud of your accomplishment, and will you continue to thrive to be a role model to the younger generation? 
"I am really proud, but I don't think that the younger generation would care about the student of the month until they are in the same place."

17.   Do you think that this achievement will help you when it comes time to applying to colleges? Why, or why not?
"Yes because any positive achievement looks really good to college."

18.   What where the reactions that you got when you told your family that you had gotten Student of the Month?
"There was a lot of yelling, good yelling that is, and a lot of crying because I was one out of the thousand students that was chosen for this."

19.   What where the reactions of your friends?
"They really did not care either way."

20.   How much free time do you get, if any?

 "A lot of free time that should be focused on other things other than free time."

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