Monday, April 11, 2016

New Value

UT community packs vigil for slain student

This article is driven by timeliness because the event of the vigil happened just last night (April 7), so it is a very new story. The facts of the story were gathered quickly and made into a story that is interesting and that happened very recently.
The wind could be heard rustling in the trees around the more than 1,000 people who had packed the grassy clearing in the University of Texas’ East Mall, in the heart of the campus.

Lake Travis, at 25-1-0, rides defense to playoffs

This article is driven by proximity because the school it is referring to is very close to Austin school  district and this is an Austin newspaper. The location of the article is in Austin, and this makes the article interesting to the viewers because the viewers will most likely be from Austin as well.
As Spring Westfield’s soccer players swept down the field during an area-round playoff match a week ago, Lake Travis goalkeeper Chris Daves shifted his eyes intently from player to player as he sized up the possible angles of attack.

Radicalization of a Belgium Student Turned Bomb Maker Was Invisible

This article is driven by prominence because it is a very newsworthy topic and something that should be apparent to the public. It is further discussing the attacks in other countries and this is very important information because everyone is curious and should be aware of it.

Belgian Police Release New Video of Brussels Airport Suspect

This article is driven by impact because it has an effect on all audiences because the Brussels attack affected many countries around the world. The article is about a suspect for the attack and this is interesting to all who were involved and those who were not involved because it was an worldwide disaster and everyone was upset.

ISIS Abducts Workers From Cement Factory in Syria

This article is driven by conflict because it is discussing the very serious and real problem of ISIS and one of many of the problems they are causing in Syria. The article talks about the people kidnapping at least 170 workers and this is an example of two opposing forces colliding.

Human Interest
Risk of Collapse at Jesus' Tomb Unites Rival Christians

This article is driven by human interest because it involves the drama of opposing sides of Christianity coming together to avoid the collapse of an important structure. The story causes interest in the viewers because of the religious drama and emotional struggle.

Cambodia to Bring Wild Tigers From Abroad in Fight Against Extinction

This article is driven by novelty because it is not a human issue, but it sparks interest in people because it is an unusual and interesting story. The story of people planning to fight the extinction of the tigers in Cambodia does not directly pertain to people around the world, but enough people care about to issue to read the article and learn more about it.

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