Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Opinion Story

It is but a common problem that all employees must face in the world of food service.  Those who lag for minutes on end, staring blankly at a menu that does not change, while other customers behind said lag person becomes impatient and angry with the employee, who is not at fault.  

This proposal is for the kind hearted, working class citizens that are troubled with this constant struggle, and for the simple minded people that may have been stuck with said person that spends hours on end deciding what to order from a menu.

As this is now my third year working under the food industry, this has always been a continuous problem, not only to me but to the people of this world.  A few bad eggs always make citizens want to rip the hair out of their roots.  

The term “fast food” was meant to be carried as food that should be delivered in a short manner of time.  Now this could be easily done, if you weren’t stuck behind a mindless blockhead.  This cost us to waste our time in a fast pace environment, and no one has time to be stuck behind such a clod.

Now people may think,”Oh I know a person like that, but I am never that person,” and I couldn’t agree more, which is why I am creating a proposal in order to create a sort of united in our society.  My proposal is one created with a little help from my very educated friend, it is one that I think no one will disagree with, but hope that I am not liable for my opinion.  

This proposal is that we invent a collar for those who are taking far too long in making a choice.  I think that everyone can agree on a set time limit on how long it should take a person to decide what they would like to eat, in order to make ‘fast food’ truly fast.

 In this collar you are able to set a permanent time limit that will pressure people into decided what they would like to eat, if they surpass this time limit the collar will submit a powerful voltage of electricity to the person's neck. Not only will this come for adult, but also those children who always change their minds about five or six times.  

This will truly make our already fast paced society, faster than ever before.  We will be able to instantly order, come in knowing what we want and leave with your food in less than 5 minutes.  What a wonderful world that would be if you ask me.  

This shock to the neck will make people more efficient and honestly will make your children have a one mindset on life, and we all can agree with consistency is better than originality.

This is truly the only way we could possibly solve the problem of the human lag.  It is far too inefficient to read the menu ahead of time before you’re next and ready to order.  

Honestly that just takes up too much brainpower and common sense, all that is needed for much more efficient things rather than to assure you have more time to do better things in your lifetime.  

Asking for help from a different employee is also too challenging and wastes your energy to grab aside another person, who just so happens to be cleaning the lobby.  That employee would have no knowledge whatsoever to help customers, that's why they are cleaning tables, right?  

I profess, in the sincerity of my heart, that for me there is no benefit because I am already a very skilled person in ordering food and have no need to rush other people, for I am in my youth and have a plenty of time to spend.  This is only for those who are truly wanting to make the most out of their lives.

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